Wednesday, November 04, 2015

A Comedy of Eras


My blog last week has been very controversial.  It was so controversial that no one has read it.  I just want to make it clear that I do not think that all white people are racist.  That would be racist to think.

White people are not "racist". It's just that white people HATE it when Black people don't "know their place". Ask any racist and they will let you know how racist that is not.

Everyone has seen the video of the child in SC that was dragged from her desk while in class.  Most people would see the video as a grown man overreacting and manhandling a child.  A child that was female.  (In the U.S. beating women outside of the comforts of ones home is frowned upon.) Some people were rightfully outraged by this.  The child was Black. If you watch the video and have even a passing knowledge of US history, you will know that race probably played a VERY BIG role in that child being dragged across the floor in front of a group of her peers. The officer was white. What would make this white cop go off on this poor Black child who's crime was refusing to leave class? It's pretty simple, she didn't know her place.

White people don't hate black people because of the color of their skin. It just irks the ever-living fuck out of them when a black person or black people are anything other than completely subservient to white people. In questioning this white mans authority this young girl committed the worst crime imaginable in his eyes. Her ignoring the words of a white man was equal to kicking him in the dick. That's why the cop reacted the way he did. This child had just kicked him in the dick. We all know how small white male penises are. (Particularly white police officers)  Ignoring a white officers commands is like calling a black person a nigger and if that officer had called her that then people would know he was racist.  What else could he do? He had drag her on the ground because she had just kicked his very small dick.  She's lucky she still has all of her teeth. (Not confirmed) Assaulting a black child is not an act of racism, only using the N-word is.

You see, white men don't like it when you don't listen to them.  Ask a white woman. No man loves to to be ignored, but for the entire history of the United States you HAD to listen to white men.  If you didn't they would kill you.

Last week I posted this:

 If there is one theme to American Racism it’s:
  1.  Black people complain about white racism
  2. White people rationalize white racism.
  3. White racism continues.

This is the pattern I see every time. It's happened to this case. There is an outcry of white people who will justify what the officer did. It's the same cycle. They don't see racism because racism does not exist.

White people in America are the decision makers. They decide what is and what isn't racist and they have decided to hold black people responsible for any perceived racism. Just look at the recent tweet from Rupert Murdoch or read any post on the national review.

Slavery was the fault of the Africans. Jim Crow was the fault of the freed slaves. Race relations today are what they are because black people.

This country sucks.

Picture of the Week

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