Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The World Leader

This week is a short special edition!

Okay I have come to the conclusion that ESPN is run by the Republican Party and that Karl Rove is writing the scripts for every ESPN program. The GOP has recently taken to the "simplify, rinse, repeat" methods of politics. The GOP has more catchphrases than a dated sitcom. If them Dems want to pull out of Iraq they want to "Cut and Run". The GOP has made it a point to have everyone on their team repeat these words over and over to drive home the point and to make the sheep believe it's as simple as "Cutting and running". I watch ESPN more than any other network on TV and after I lost my free connection to the Spice Channel my ESPN watching has tripled. With watching ESPN 18 hours a day I have learned a few things: Steven A. Smith is still load when the TV is muted; PTI doesn't make fun of Beano Cooke anymore; Tim Cowlishaw is the best person on Around the Horn because he always self promotes when he knows it will cost him the game and when he wins he talks about the two sports everyone else hates on the show; Steven A. Smith has never heard of an indoor voice; Cold Pizza sucks even more after they got rid of the hot chick; Mike and Mike is good, but Two Live Stews is better; No one is reading Weekly Rant; PTI is still the best show on ESPN and Wilbon and TK are the best in the business at what they do; Jason Whitlock had to be fired for what he did, but I love that he had the balls to do it; Michael Smith is the best sportswriter under 40 and needs to be on more shows; Kevin Fraiser never should have left ESPN to do Entertainment Tonight; ESPN never should have let David Aldridge leave; I should have formatted this list better; ESPN is run by Karl Rove and the GOP.

That's right, the world leader is run by the GOP. I know this because ESPN has become "drive home the point" central. If you hear something on Jim Rome in the early afternoon you will hear it no less than 30 times before you hear Steven A. Smith yell it on his shitty talk show. Peyton Manning has been in a lot of commercial recently and ESPN made damn sure I knew Tom Brady was in less. Tom Brady is the everyman QB or so I have been told by ESPN. ESPN seems to have forgotten that after his third Super Bowl win Mr. America was the star of every commercial on TV. Mr. America was the guy everyone spoke about. Times have changed since then. Mr. America with his THREE Super Bowl rings is an afterthought. He lives uner the radar in Boston, one of the smallest media outlets in the world. So when you look at Sportscenter tonight remember to play a violin for Thomas F. Brady. ESPN says he isthe most underappreciated player in the league no less than 10 times during Monday Night Football. I lost count during Sportscenter, then NFL Live, then NFL Primtime, then Mike and Mike in the Morning, then NFL Live again, then Jim Rome is Burning, then Around the Horn, then PTI, and finally on the afternoon edition of Sportscenter.

Fuck Stephen A. Smith!

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